
RM: Piha - 1:18 house: The yard

Tässä sisäänkäynti taloon. Eletään 1940-luvun loppua.
Entrance to the 1:18th scale house. This house is set at the end of 1940s.
Piha ylhäältä
Nurmikenttää, kaivo, puuvarasto, pieni kasvimaa ja pyykit kuivumassa.
The lawn, well, wood shed - a very important place when houses were heated only by burning wood, a small vegetable patch and the washing drying on the line.

Piha ja aita
Aita on Tiimarin valmisosista. Osa laudoista oli kiinnitetty aitaelementteihin vinksin vonksin. Aidommin näköistä ehkä?
The fence is made up of ready made elements that were not exactly perfect. Maybe this looks more realistic?

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